Using Contract Staff in Business

Empty 24 April 2023

Using Contract Staff in Business

Contract staff are employed for a specific period and job, often known as contract employment or contract work. Contractors are different from permanent employees in that they are typically used for a defined task or period with a specific scope of work. As such, contract staff offer companies many advantages. This article will examine those advantages and how to utilise contract staff in the business.


Contract staff, or contractors, are employed by a company on a short-term or temporary basis, usually to complete specific tasks. Contract staff bring high flexibility to the workplace, as they can be employed quickly and released when their job is complete. As they are used on a project basis, they often come with specialist skills and experience, allowing businesses to access a broader skills base than traditional permanent employment. Contract staff are typically paid at a higher rate than traditionally employed staff since they only work for the duration of the contract, thereby saving companies money regarding payroll taxes, benefits and other employment costs.

Advantages of Contract Staff

Contract staff offer several advantages to businesses, including:

  • Flexible Working Hours - As contract staff are employed on a specific task or period, they can work flexible hours, enabling companies to complete projects quickly and efficiently.

  • Cost Savings - Contract staff are usually paid more than permanently employed staff, so companies can save money by using them for specific tasks rather than retaining a permanent employee.

  • Access to a Wider Skills Base - As contractors are used for their specialist skills and expertise, businesses can access the necessary skills without hiring full-time employees.

  • Improved Productivity and Increased Efficiency - Companies can ensure that projects are completed quickly and efficiently by having staff available with all the skills needed to complete specific tasks.

  • Reduced Overhead Costs - Contract staff are not subject to the exact employment costs as permanent staff, so companies can reduce overhead costs and focus resources on other areas.

How to Utilise Contract Staff

When deciding to use contract staff, businesses should consider the following factors:

  • Identify the tasks that require contract staff. – Companies need to identify the tasks that require contract staff, as they should be employed only when they possess the required skills and expertise.

  • Assess the skills needed in advance. – Companies need to know the specific skills needed to hire the right contract staff.

  • Create an effective job description. – Companies should create a detailed job description outlining roles, responsibilities, and expected outcomes.

  • Choose an appropriate payment model. – Companies should determine the best payment model for their contract staff, considering the duration of the contract and the type of work to be performed.

  • Establish clear communication channels. – Once contract staff have been hired, companies need to ensure that the lines of communication are kept open and that any issues are discussed quickly.

  • Establish a clear timeline and expectations. – Companies should ensure that contract staff know their deadlines and what is expected of them.

  • Ensure compliance with employment laws. – Companies should be aware of any laws governing the employment of contract staff and ensure that they are adhered to.

  • Monitor and review performance. – Companies should regularly monitor and review the performance of contract staff to ensure that the work is being conducted according to the agreed timeline and expectations.


Contract staff are an excellent asset for businesses, offering flexibility, cost savings and access to a broader skills base. They can also improve productivity and efficiency and reduce overhead costs. Companies should identify the tasks that require contract staff, create an effective job description and choose an appropriate payment model. They should also ensure clear communication channels, establish clear timelines and expectations, and ensure compliance with employment laws. Finally, companies should monitor and review the performance of the contract staff to ensure they are achieving the desired results.

In summary, contract staff can significantly benefit businesses, providing cost savings and access to a broader skills base. To get the most out of contract staff, companies should develop effective management strategies to ensure they are utilised effectively.

If you have any questions about using contract staff, please contact our knowledgeable and friendly team today. 

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